• We will be unable to cancel the order once the order is placed.
  • We want you to love the products that you buy from us. In case you have concerns related to your purchase, drop us a mail within 2 days of delivery with details at or whatsapp +91 9900727844. Please ensure that the product is unpacked and share it with pictures.
  • If an item is damaged or missing or incorrect, please send a photo of the outer packaging and products received to our customer care. We will issue either a full refund or a different item in exchange, as per your request.
  • Returns of undamaged products are usually not entertained. As a rare exception, in case you still wish to return an undamaged product, please note the shipping Charges (Forward and Return) to be borne by customer.
  • Any refunds may take up to 15 working days from product damage confirmation from us.
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